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Archiv der Kategorie: tcx2hrm
tcx2hrm now talks GPX
With version 0.35 a new feature was added to tcx2hrm. With previous version, the GPS related information within the TCX file was more or less lost, as the HRM file specification does not provide any support for GPS data. However, … Weiterlesen
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tcx files tools
tcx2hrm is a nice tool to convert hart rate related data into Polar’s widely used HRM file format. However, today I would like to present you two useful tools for working with TCX files: Routeconverter This tool is a very … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter MTB, Software, tcx2hrm
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tcx2hrm & intermediate times
Since release of tcx2hrm version 0.29 I received a lot of feedback on intermediate times (aka lap information) in the HRM output file generated. TCX files provide certain information on lap level, however strange wise this is not always consistent … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter MTB, Software, tcx2hrm
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tcx files in JOSM
JOSM is a widely used desktop application for editing map information for the project. This project aims – with the thorough help of the community – to create open source, accurate and extensive map information of the whole world … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Software, tcx2hrm
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tcx2hrm released
tcx2hrm, a tool for converting files recorded from Garmin GPS devices into Polar compatible data files, has been released recently. Checkout the new blog pages, specifically dedicated to the tcx2hrm tool. While .TCX files are XML encoded, Polar uses for … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, MTB, Software, tcx2hrm
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